
Article 6, paragraph a of the Convention on Biological Diversity commits the signatory countries to the realization of a national study on biodiversity, the development of a national strategy and action plan on biodiversity, the development of a national report on biodiversity and a Biodiversity Information Clearinghouse (CHM – Morocco).

Morocco has developed in a first phase the National Study on Biodiversity and the Study on Protected Areas have drawn up the state of biodiversity in Morocco and highlighted the threats to many species.

Morocco then developed its national strategy and action plan aimed at the protection of its biological heritage with a view to its conservation and sustainable use and prepared the six national reports which outline the state of implementation of the Convention on national biological diversity.

It has also produced several thematic reports on the state of progress at the national level of the application of the related CBD programs.

Morocco has finally created its Center for the Exchange of Information on Biodiversity, a mechanism for the exchange of information through the Internet at the national, regional and international level.