National Biodiversity Strategy


The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2020 has been designed to take into account, on the one hand, current or planned strategies by national actors, and on the other hand, national priorities in terms of conservation and conservation. valuation of biodiversity, as well as international concerns expressed in the 2011-2020 Strategic Plan of the CBD and the Aichi Targets. It is a strategy that updates that of 2004.

The vision and strategic objectives agreed and set as the foundations of this version of the SPANB aim to make biodiversity a pillar of sustainable development and the well-being of Moroccan society.

“By 2030, biological diversity is conserved, restored, valued and rationally used, ensuring the maintenance of the services provided by ecosystems, for the benefit of all, while contributing to sustainable development and the well-being of the Moroccan society ”, such is the vision of this strategy.

26 national objectives divided into the following six strategic axes:

  1. Strengthen the conservation of species, ecosystems and the services they provide;
  2. Ensure sustainable use of biodiversity and biological resources;
  3. Contribute to improving the living conditions of the populations through the effective implementation of the SPANB;
  4. Strengthen the governance of biological diversity;
  5. Improve, enhance and share knowledge on national biodiversity;
  6. Promote, among citizens, the will to change behavior with regard to the national biodiversity heritage;

The action plan that concretizes the above vision, includes 159 actions grouped into 26 national objectives.